What is KALVE Impact, and why is it important?

It is our lifelong mission to share the success of our business with all involved parties. We find it necessary to spread the knowledge of how KALVE's and your purchasing choices can contribute to a positive impact in the coffee-growing regions.
Our individual decisions - what we buy, consume, and support - can contribute to a positive change in our environment and community. It also extends beyond our immediate surroundings.

Impact directly connects to the transparency of our purchasing choices and how they affect coffee-growing regions and people involved in coffee production.

For KALVE Impact means participation in a story much larger than ourselves - a responsible, resilient, and honest coffee industry and shared prosperity.

We acknowledge our business positive and negative impact. We have reached 100% transparency of our supply chain when sourcing green coffee and therefore we are sure that we are contributing to positive changes in coffee growing regions and in coffee producing communities. 

Economic impact

We are enabling economic freedom and well-being for coffee-producing communities.
We contribute to more jobs being created in coffee-growing regions. 
And we are sure about where the money we pay goes, and that farmers get a fair and honest price for the coffee quality they produce.

Case study of Rwanda, Shyira - In May 2020, the region was hit by an environmental disaster which destroyed homes, plantations, and local infrastructure. Through the support of the coffee community, Raw Material and local cooperative Muraho were able to get urgently needed food, water, and goods supplies to the region and continue the recovery support by rebuilding houses, renovating the infrastructure, and renewing the cropland and livestock.

Social impact

We raise the living standards of coffee-growing communities through fostering education and training for farmers and communities on sustainable agriculture practices, coffee quality improvement and business management. 
We make sure that farms and cooperatives are inclusive to all genders and ages regards to income, knowledge and resources. 

Case study of Rwanda, Shyira - 75% of the coffee producers in Shyira are women, and their employment brings a second income and financial stability to local families. Our partner, Raw Material, continues to organize workshops and training on sustainable farming practices and building environmental and social resilience against the climate crisis, as well as promoting economic freedom for local communities.

Environmental impact

We choose to work with coffee farms and cooperatives that include nature conservation, maintaining ecological balance  and climate change mitigation as a part of their approach to coffee production and are aware and considerate of the environmental impact they make.

Case study of Rwanda, Shyira - Rawmaterial and local communities continue reforestation and training in better land management practices to reduce the risk of future landslides through many small, compounding choices and actions. Local geographical and climate conditions can bring both prosperity and disaster to the local communities. Coffee growing is their main source of income, and it is highly dependent on geographical and climate conditions. Therefore, it is crucial that local communities continue to receive support to be able to work sustainably and safely in order to provide highest quality coffee.