Coffee roasting is a very human business - we are connected to the people growing coffee in origin countries, we operate with a qualified and growing team, and we build sustainable relationships with our customers and guests.
As an employer, we are dedicated to creating a work environment that stimulates personal and professional growth, pay wages that exceed the industry set average and provide career for all those involved. We are dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive team, which represent various views, backgrounds and manners of thought. Open-mindedness is a fundamental policy at KALVE, so we never discriminate on any basis or characteristic.
As a buyer, we wish to establish purchasing relationships that are more than just a business agreement. We screen our suppliers for their social and environmental performance, to assure that there are no cases of slavery or bad social practices in our supply chain. From our side - we assure that those companies who cooperate with us will have a long-standing, honest and consensus-oriented buyer.
As a coffee provider - we treat every customer with great care. We truly believe that we can provide a product and service that will work as a basis for a long working relationship, and we will take care of our clients' needs as if they were our own.

Team of 35 and growing

Ethical and direct sourcing processes

Trust-based, non-binding cooperations
Kalve Coffee Roasters is a production company - so we humbly accept that we are part of the environmental problem. That being said, this understanding allows us to engage in processes and establish systems that counter this issue. We take responsibility for all the environmental issues that include us, and we take action to fix them.
It may be an overused statement, but it is true - there is no planet B. A true topic in the coffee discussion is the matter of biodiversity and deforestation. When we select our green coffee partners, we request they provide a biodiversity policy - conservation of forests, native trees and fauna. We're proud that our suppliers are ahead of the game, and have included conservation as a part of their coffee production.
Coffee roasting has been around for a while, and many practices have stayed even though times have gone forward. Technology is developing, and that fact, together with an environmentally-minded approach has resulted in us dedicating ourselves to achieving complete CO2 Neutrality by 2028. We are a production company - so this will require time, finances and creativity, but our mind is made.
Packaging is a big part of coffee. In our case though, it is not as big anymore. We saw the issue of coffee packaging being used for very short times, resulting in an unnecessary landfill. To counter this, we started with a deposit system for local deliveries, refillable coffee tins for consumers and fully recyclable packaging for B2B orders. As of now, we exclusively have either refillable or recyclable packaging, and this element alone allows us to save precious resources.

Detailed supplier environmental screening policy

Target of CO2 Neutrality by 2028

200 kg's of plastic saved with Zero-Waste deliveries

100% Reusable or Recyclable packaging

We stand by the fact that our business is a workforce for good. Our decisions and strategies must bear the responsibility towards all involved parties - from suppliers to coffee enthusiasts.
To ensure good and structured governance, we have developed a company's responsibility scheme - every member of the team knows exactly who is responsible for what processes, and to whom they should address their recommendations, concerns and feedback.
We thrive on diversity, equality and responsiveness and ethical business practices. It is not just a bunch of clever phrases - it is how we work. We celebrate a diverse workforce, we provide everyone equal opportunities, our customers appreciate our responsive manner of cooperation, and our suppliers enjoy a consensus-oriented way of communication.
Our processes, data and information are transparent. We share both know-how and stoke. We are building an effective and efficient company, and we are at the beginning of our path. Welcome along - we're happy to have you with us on a path of a better and more responsible coffee concept!