Fredy Rolando Pineda has been involved with coffee production all his life. He inherited his 2 ha farm 'Finca Fredy' from his father, and he is a part of the Aruco Cooperative, being one of the 33 producers involved in their micro-lot program. He has been working on producing specialty micro lots since 2016 and receives advice from the technicians at Aruco about farm management and soil fertility to help produce good quality cherry and and prevent pests and disease.
All the processing for the takes place at the Aruco mill to centralise and have greater control over the process to create consistent procedures, and to reduce the risk on the producer. The mill is at 800 masl, which gives a drier more stable climate to dry the coffee compared to up at the farms, where the weather can be less predictable.
Roast info
This coffee is roasted for filter - meaning, a light roast. We roast our seasonal coffees in this manner because we wish for the coffee to shine as it is - for it to display the characteristics that have produced its excellent quality. This kind of roast allows the natural flavours, acids and sugars of the coffee to be in the front, and lets you learn about its origin through taste. As the name says, it's best used in filter coffee methods, such as drip or immersion, so while making an espresso from these is possible, it could prove tricky.
Use and storage
We recommend you enjoy this coffee within 3 months of the roasting date.
Store in a dry and cool place, between +16 and +25 degrees.
This coffee's cycle from farm to your cup has been one of honesty and hard work. We source our coffees from producers that use environmentally-friendly growing practices, roast it so that it's consistently good, package it in materials that either recycle or can be refilled and deliver the coffee with emissions in mind. Sustainability is one of our core values, and the path of our coffee demonstrates that.
We believe that good specialty coffee has to be accessible to everyone, so we are very proud to work with partners who share this belief. If you wish to deliver a memorable coffee experience to your guests, get in touch with us and together we can make that happen.