KALVE Coffee Journey from Seed to Cup

We are starting the KALVE Diary Series - "KALVE Coffee Journey from Seed to Cup", which will serve as a guide in the exciting coffee journey, exploring all stages from coffee cultivation to savoring its taste in a cup.

Seed to Cup - it is a comprehensive exploration of the coffee journey, starting from planting a  coffee tree and ending with enjoying the coffee beverage in cafes. In this KALVE Diary Series, we will uncover why coffee plants are called "golden flowers," the conditions in which coffee grows, and what influences coffee quality and taste - from the moment it grows to the moment we enjoy an aromatic cup of coffee at KALVE Espresso Room.

Coffee plants are demanding and are referred to as "golden flowers" due to specific climatic requirements, such as special soil and altitude. Coffee is grown only in certain regions around the equator, which is industrially known as the "Coffee Belt" - these regions include South America, Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and some islands of Oceania. Coffee likes altitude and it grows in mountains. Climate and soil in mountains provide extremely favorable conditions, allowing the beans to develop a much more refined taste and a complex aroma profile. Higher the altitude, more potential for coffee to have higher taste quality. 

To ensure fruitful harvests and high-quality coffee, a tropical climate with distinct rainy and dry seasons is essential. During the rainy season, coffee trees grow and blossom, while in the dry season, coffee cherries ripen and are harvested. Climatic conditions also affect the coffee processing, which plays a crucial role in determining the coffee's taste and quality.

Coffee processing methods are highly individual and depend on each growing region and its climatic characteristics. Each region utilizes its unique method, enabling the beans to achieve the desired taste and aroma richness.

For instance, the flavor of Brazilian coffee has long been associated with a very classic taste profile -  chocolate, nuts, and caramel notes. However, Brazilian coffee growers are constantly proving that by selecting the right varieties and growing conditions, it is possible to create extraordinary and nuanced coffees that differ from the traditional Brazilian profile.

Each country carries its unique flavor profile, which is also influenced by the processing methods. For example, Colombian coffee traditionally exhibits citrus, tea, and caramel notes, but more and more farmers are experimenting with different varieties and processing methods, making Colombian coffee's taste more diverse.

African countries, such as Ethiopia and Kenya, are especially known for their distinct taste profiles. Ethiopian coffee is well-known for delicate and distinctly floral and berry-like notes, while Kenyan coffee is characterized by intense fruit and berry notes, bright acidity and delicate piquant-like aftertaste.

Volcanic soil is an excellent foundation for cultivating any crop, including coffee. It is rich in minerals and provides favorable conditions for plant growth. Therefore, countries with volcanic soil, such as Panama, are particularly suitable for coffee cultivation. In fact, one of the best and highly esteemed coffee variety, known as Gesha, comes directly from Panama.

These unique and diverse flavor profiles contribute to the growth and development of the coffee industry, as more and more people seek and appreciate different coffee offerings from various countries around the world.

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