El Salvador - Los Pirineos - Black Honey - 250g
Usulutan, Diego Baraona / 1400 masl. / Pacamara variety / Black Honey / SCA - 85.75p.
Los Pirineos farm in Usulután, El Salvador, is run by fifth-generation coffee producer Diego Baraona, who continues his family’s 130-year coffee legacy. At 1,400 meters on a volcano, the farm benefits from a unique microclimate ideal for producing Honey and Natural coffees using raised drying beds.
Pacamara and Bourbon dominate the farm’s 20 coffee varieties, with a garden housing 70 more for experimentation—a tradition started by Diego’s father, Gilberto. The farm emphasizes sustainability, using rainwater, keeping bees, and employing 60 people with year-round work. Shade trees planted by Gilberto support both coffee quality and local wildlife.
This lot of Pacamara coffee was processed using the Black Honey method. After harvesting, ripe cherries were pulped, leaving the mucilage intact. The pulped coffee was spread in a thin layer on shaded raised drying beds, where the shade prolonged the drying process compared to other Honey methods used on the farm. The coffee dried for around 25 days until reaching the desired humidity level.