Kalve Art Collection Ķekatas

Ķekatas - Seasonal Holiday Espresso


Awaiting the winter solstice, KALVE wishes to highlight and honor our Latvian traditions - Ķekatas or Mummery. In our view, Ķekatas were and still are a magical and important ritual for Latvian identity, bringing goodness, joy, and fertility.

The motif of ĶEKATAS coffee is warmly wrapped in motif of Anna Eltermane's tapestry "Ķekatas in My Childhood Days" (1982, DMDM collection), where, shimmering like stars in the dark winter sky, in a night vision from house to house, in a dynamic rhythm, goat, rooster, sheep, bear, and stork disguised as ķekatnieki, set out to bring blessings and drive away evil spirits.

Anna Eltermane (1929–2009) grew up in Rucava, a region with ancient and strong traditions of folk craftsmanship, labor, and seasonal customs. The artist acquired weaving skills at the Liepāja School of Applied Arts. She continued her education at the Latvian Academy of Arts, where she explored the world of black and white graphics but later turned to theatrical painting and set design. After completing her studies, she returned to Liepāja and resumed weaving, drawing inspiration from nature and folklore motifs. In her tapestries, the splendor of meadow flowers, rural everyday life, and festive events come to life, including ancient solstice rituals.

Beans type


Caramel, orange, chocolate and brown spices.

We're happy to share this beautiful coffee from Mexico and celebrate it as our coffee of choice for the holiday season this year. When brewed in your preferred method, it will open it's flavour profile that is reminiscent of notes traditionally associated with this time of the year.

This coffee comes from the region of Chiapas - the region dominates coffee production in Mexico, at 40% of the country's total yield. Coffee here benefits from the range of altitude, micro-climates, and rich volcanic soils. Produced by a group of smallholder farmers members, this coffee is also Organic certified. There are more than 700 members in the cooperative from the communities surrounding the Triunfo Biosphere Reserve — a beautiful and vast protected mountain range home to abundant flora and fauna.

Roast info

This coffee is roasted for espresso, meaning that it will present with higher intensity, rich texture and sweetness, lower acidity and more distinct caramelization flavours. Espresso roasts have higher solubility, meaning that you will be able to access the coffee flavours with more ease. Even though it is more suited for espresso machines and mokka pots, you can definitely enjoy it in any other method as well if you're looking for a richer cup. Espresso roasts are at their best starting from 2 weeks from the roast date, so take your time with it.

Use and storage

Brew it at a ratio of 1:2.5. For example, use 18 grams of coffee and brew 46 grams of espresso, to dilute some of the intensity and increase silkiness.

We recommend you enjoy this coffee within 3 months of the roasting date.

Store in a dry and cool place, between +16 and +25 degrees.

Sustainable Coffee Trading

This coffee's cycle from farm to your cup has been one of honesty and hard work. We source our coffees from producers that use environmentally-friendly growing practices, roast it so that it's consistently good, package it in materials that either recycle or can be refilled and deliver the coffee with emissions in mind. Sustainability is one of our core values, and the path of our coffee demonstrates that.

Become A Wholesale Partner

We believe that good specialty coffee has to be accessible to everyone, so we are very proud to work with partners who share this belief. If you wish to deliver a memorable coffee experience to your guests, get in touch with us and together we can make that happen.