ORIGAMI erver is perfect fit for one or two cups of coffee. 
Server is made from ceramics, which keeps the drink warm and the server's form is made to seal in all the drink's aromas.  
The tip of the server provides drip-proof and easy drinks transfer from server to cup. 

ORIGAMI server is compatible with all pour-over brewers as well as Aeropress.

It is easy to clean and it is dishwashed safe. 

Sustainable Coffee Trading

This coffee's cycle from farm to your cup has been one of honesty and hard work. We source our coffees from producers that use environmentally-friendly growing practices, roast it so that it's consistently good, package it in materials that either recycle or can be refilled and deliver the coffee with emissions in mind. Sustainability is one of our core values, and the path of our coffee demonstrates that.

Become A Wholesale Partner

We believe that good specialty coffee has to be accessible to everyone, so we are very proud to work with partners who share this belief. If you wish to deliver a memorable coffee experience to your guests, get in touch with us and together we can make that happen.